Relaxation massage is all about relaxing. It focuses on giving the client time to recover from the stresses of daily life. When you experience relaxation massage, you can expect a treatment that involves long, smooth gliding strokes that are rhythmic and flowing and pressure that is deeply relaxing, but not painful. The treatment is also designed to soothe and relax you, not to relieve chronic pain or other underlying ailments. The massage environment offers soothing music and a calming effect through relaxing decor. As with any kind of massage, the benefits of a relaxation massage can last for several days after your treatment.
Relaxation massage:
Lowers blood pressure in the short term
Improves peripheral circulation
Improves skin tone and appearance
Improves gastrointestinal motility (bowel movements will become more regular)
Assists in some reduction in muscle tension including the relief of muscle tension headaches
Boosts the immune system if undergoing regular treatments
Calms nerve fibres and releases "feel good" hormones
Reduces symptoms of anxiety and depression
Enhances better sleep patterns
Reduces negative emotions
Decreases heart rate and slows respiration to normal levels